Nowadays, there is an incredibly large amount of biological raw data available in the cloud ready for analysis. Such data are freely available and easy to use. To be able to retrieve such data, one would require access to the Internet and a little bit knowledge about how to use certain computer software. Similar to the availability of data, there is a plethora of biological software to aid in the data analysis process we [‘as molecular biologists’] are interested in; each of which having their own advantages and disadvantages. In order to find the right one, we will introduce certain criteria used to evaluate such software. Finally, we will go through certain important procedures that will enable us to identify and analyze important genetic and evolutionary variations in certain eukaryotes.
Declaration and Agenda:
This the first Bio-Informatics workshop to be held at KUST. We would like to start from basic concepts of bioinformatics and data analysis in molecular biology and evolution. The workshop starts with two introductory presentations about Molecular Biology Data Cleaning [base calling], and the other presentation is about statistical analysis of molecular & evolutionary genetics data. One would acquire knowledge about important real-life case studies from these presentations. After that, the ideas introduced in the presentations are applied on computers in a computer lab [after lunch time]. Workshop Learning Outcomes
➢ Attendees will get hands on experimenting
- Retrieving Biological Data from Biological Databases.
- Base calling [using chromas pro /or FinchTV] of biological data files.
- Gap Deletion [in word processors like LibreOffice Writer /or Microsoft office word].
- Align DNA-sequences against amino-acid sequences [new-approach]
➢ Attendees will start analyzing molecular data statistically, hence they will:
- Use: Elongation factor 1-alpha in arthropod phylogeny.
- Understand the factors affecting codon frequencies and codon usage bias.
- Shad Arif Mohammed [MSc Molecular Genetics].
- Hawnaz Othman Najmalddin [BSc Biology].