On Monday, May 15th, 2017, Komar Research Center in collaboration with Civil Engineering Department have arranged a seminar for Mr. Nawzad Othman (Nawzadi Muhandis) on role and effect of oil in dividing and past invasion of Kurdistan and step toward building the basis of Kurdistan Independence.
At the start of his talk, Mr. Nawzad talked about the historical foundation and mining of gas and oil in Iraq, and particularly Kurdistan Region. He illustrated the methodology and the types of the contracts that are adapted by Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) with international oil and gas companies. Mr. Nawzad has shown the KRG income in 2015 and 2016 from oil and gas export.
He then explained his statistical and political analysis about the role of oil and gas for a post-independence referendum in the Kurdistan Region. He also demonstrated the legitimacy of the hidden contracts articles, unreported (or misreporting) oil productions, and the KRG income from oil and gasFinally he made.
The seminar ended with questions and comments from the attendees of the seminar. Prof. Jalal Saeed, VP of Academic Affairs, has presented Mr. Nawzad Othman with the certificate of appreciation.